Anna Fall, Chief Brand & Communications Officer
Anna Fall joined as Chief Brand & Communications Officer for Intrum in October 2018 and has a long background from the financial industry, where she most recently held the position as Head of Communications at Första AP-fonden.

Ragnar Agnell, Partner
Ragnar Agnell is the Director of Centigo UK and has 25 years of experience in defining and leading change projects from innovation and idea phase to realised benefits, such as digital transformations, scale-up of start-ups, post M&A integrations and innovation incubation.

Maria Lindbom, CEO & Partner
Maria is a headhunter for the financial markets since 2010. Before that, she has 15-years of experience from front office positions in corporate and investment banking, Deutsche Bank, Crédit Agricole CIB, HSH Nordbank, and five years from industrial treasury, AGA AB.

Jolande Svensson-Klijn, Co-Founder, and Ylva Hökerberg Jahnke, Co-Founder
Both founders of Global Goes Local, Ylva and Jolande, have a legal background and a vast experience of working with foreign companies establishing in Sweden and acting as one point of contact between companies and Swedish authorities. This is where they add their value, with knowledge about the Swedish rules and regulations, an extensive network and an international mindset.

Alexander Goodwille, CEO
Alexander joined Goodwille in April 2015 trying to diversify from a background built from working in Finance. Educated in a joint honours of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering gives him the diverse skillset to work in an SME, working in a quickly moving IT world.

NatWest Stockholm Office
In February 2015, the Royal Bank of Scotland announced changes to their business which will see RBS become a more focused bank that is sustainable in the long-term by having a more client focused product offering and reduced geographical footprint. NatWest Stockholm helps Institutions’ globally with different types of financing solutions as well as with financial risk management services.

Jonny Boström, Senior Executive Consultant
Jonny has worked with changing organisations and teams for many years and his strengths are that he can build teams, unity and make the team want to change. He uses his strong IT interest and curiosity for new methods and solutions as a basis for being able to see visionary and find new solutions that support and develop the business.