BSCC Monthly Breakfast Discussion – “Brexitpodden” – Event summary

On Tuesday morning, 22 January, we were very grateful and pleased to arrange a breakfast discussion with Rickard Ydrenäs, founder of Ydrenäs Communications, ’Brexitpodden’ and 'Tullpodden'. The breakfast was generously hosted by Erik Penser Bank. Rickard Ydrenäs shed some light on the ongoing events of Brexit, the uncertainty and his analysis. During the presentation Rickard Ydrenäs pointed out some ...

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“Cryptocurrencies -what’s the status and where do we go from here?”, 6 November 2018

"Cryptocurrencies -what's the status and where do we go from here?" hosted by:

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“Blockchain – what it is and why it may change everything”

This Wednesday, 2 May, we had the great pleasure to invite Mr David Frydlinger, Partner and Head of ICT group at Advokatfirman Lindahl to talk about Blockchain technology. They started to talk a lot about this topic 2 to 3 years ago. However, the impression was that Blockchain still remained quite abstract to most of us. ...

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“Preparing Global Leaders in a Modern World – Building Bridges Between Cultures and Generations”

This Tuesday, 24 April, the British-Swedish Chamber of Commerce together with AFS, the French Chamber of Commerce, the Swiss Chamber of Commerce and AmCham, organised an event about intercultural understanding and leadership in the workplace. The event was generously sponsored by Grant Thornton. We had the great opportunity to listen to key note speaker Meg Tiveus ...

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“Why sustainability is key to Volvo Cars’ future success”

This Tuesday, the British-Swedish Chamber of Commerce organised an event in Gothenburg on sustainability in cooperation with Volvo Cars. After a fun test driving session at the Demo track, our guests were invited to the Brand Experience Centre to listen to Stuart Templar, Director Sustainability, Volvo Cars, on the topic “Why sustainability is key to ...

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“The Latest on Brexit”

This Thursday, 22 March, we had the opportunity to listen to H.E. Mr Ambassador David Cairns about the latest news on Brexit at SEB. Mr David Cairns took each question from the audience into account and gave us an insight of what is going to happen between the EU and UK before 2020. What are the ...

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