United Parcel Service: a Preview of 2022

Founded more than 100 years ago, UPS is the world’s leading package delivery and logistics company and a member of BSCC. Despite the changes in the trading relationship between the UK and EU, the company has been able to adapt their operations. Michiel van Veen, the managing director of UPS Nordics, says that they have already helped their customers navigate these changes and meet the requirements of new import and export procedures.

Looking into 2022, UPS is confident in continued growth in the e-commerce market as online shopping becomes ever more common, which implies a growth opportunity in their B2C operations. For the businesses whose operations require the physical presence of their employees, the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic will call for continued safe operations, as well as flexibility in staffing levels to help control costs in managing absences.

If you wish to find out more about UPS and their work please don’t hesitate to contact us here.

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