The Path Forward

During the spring the BSCC has welcomed members to a series of talks, The Path Forward. In this series we have been joined by representatives from the UK Government to discuss the future bilateral trade between Sweden and the UK. All speakers have been very generous with their input and the engagement from the BSCC network has been exciting to follow. 

For our first event in the we were delighted to have Mr. Alex Hickman, Special Adviser on Business to the Prime Minister. Mr. Hickman shared his reflections on the Race to Net Zero, moving beyond Covid and Global Britain.

In the second part Ms. Pamela Dow, Executive Director of the UK Government Skills and Curriculum Unit held a virtual talk. Ms. Dow began by underlining that the pandemic and the EU-exit uncovered weaknesses, in the resilience and responsiveness and effectiveness of their institutions. Considering this the UK Government realised, collectively, the needed to place a greater emphasis on – and be more prescriptive about – the skills, knowledge, and networks of the people. The Government Skills and Curriculum Unit has, therefore, set up a 5-strand framework. Read more about the framework here: 

For the final event we were pleased to have Mr Daniel Gieve, the Chief Operating Officer at the Office for Investment, address the BSCC members. The Office for Investment (OfI) sits between the Department for International Trade and No.10 Downing Street, working across the government to enable top-tier investments to succeed. The team is staffed by experienced and senior individuals and led by the Minister for Investment Lord Gerry Grimstone, alongside Mr Gieve. Besides looking to resolve potential barriers for investment, the OfI also encourages investment in priority Government ambition areas, specifically to achieve the UK’s infrastructure, ten point plan, innovation and levelling up ambitions.

If you want to learn more about the series or any of the speakers please contact

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