“The Latest on Brexit”

This Thursday, 22 March, we had the opportunity to listen to H.E. Mr Ambassador David Cairns about the latest news on Brexit at SEB. Mr David Cairns took each question from the audience into account and gave us an insight of what is going to happen between the EU and UK before 2020.

What are the different stages?

  • From December 2017: Withdrawal Agreement
  • From April 2019: Transitonal Agreement
  • From 2021: Implementation – New Arrangement about future relationships

Mr David Cairns admitted that the transition process will take a lot of time and effort. There are still negotiations going on about future cross border relationships and there is not going to be a big change until next March. So it is of greatest importance for companies to get involved and inform the government what is important to them in order to insure good agreements.

We should expect a bumpy road over the transition period but the more people get involved, the better outcome we would get out of this situation.

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More picutres of this event on BSCC Facebook Page 


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