Lunch with Sofie Zetterlund

Last week we had the great pleasure of having lunch with Sofie Zetterlund, Nordic Head of Marketing at Schroders. We took the opportunity to ask Sofie three questions to learn a little bit more about Schroders and to find out what Sofie thinks about the Chamber.

How long have Schroders been members of the Chamber? 

We have been members for a bit more than a year. As a global leader in asset management, with headquarters in London and our strong Nordic team partly based in Stockholm, we think a networking organisation connecting the UK and Sweden in so many different ways as the BSCC does is of great value.

If you could have lunch with anyone in the network, who would it be and why?

Christina Liljeström, the Secretary General at BSCC, as she is so well connected with all the members and would be able to steer us in the right direction should we wish to connect with specific firms/individuals within the network.

Favourite memory from/with the Chamber?

When we hosted a Financial Outlook event together with Handelsbanken for all BSCC members. Christina Nyman, Chief Economist at SHB, presented the outlook for the Nordic region and our Senior Economist Azad Zangana presented the outlook for the UK – great mix of views and very insightful discussions!

We are very grateful to have Sofie and Schroders as part of the BSCC network and look forward to creating many new memories.

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