Updates from Member Companies

We are are always curious about the challenges and possibilities our member companies are facing within their industries. This week we are happy to share updates from Edrington and Essity on their commitment to the Race to Zero.


Edrington, announced that it is joining the Carbon Disclosure Project as part of it’s larger strategy towards reaching Net Zero by 2045. By joining, Edrington commits to annually reporting environmental-related data in accordance with CBP standards.

The Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) is a recognised gold standard for environmental reporting, and it provides companies with a standard format for environmental reporting in line with TFCD recommendations. (The “Task force on climate-related financial Disclosure” (TFCD) is a G20 Initiative to improve and increase reporting on climate-related financial information). The change will make it easier for both Edrington, and investors to evaluate and compare Edrington’s environmental performance, and how the company is tracking towards its goal of Net Zero by 2045.

Interested in learning more about Edrington’s work towards Net Zero by 2045?

Click Here


Essity, was earlier this year recognised by the Carbon Disclosure Project (CBP) for its work towards net zero by 2050. Essity was recognised as a “Supplier Engagement Leader” for its work together with its suppliers in the fight against climate change.

An Essity initiative that sticks is Tork Papercircle®. Tork Papercircle® is a service that allows for the recycling of paper towels, which can reduce the emissions associated with paper towel usage by at least 40%. The service was showcased at the COP26, and according to Essity the service now reaches more than 35 million users in 150 different locations in Europe today.

Interested in a summary of Essity’s sustainable initiatives?

Click here

Interested in Essity’s work towards Net Zero by 2050.

Click Here 

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