BSCC Tuesday Breakfast with Marianne Dott, Stockholm’s Chamber of Commerce

BSCC Tuesday Breakfast with…

Marianne Dott


This Tuesday Breakfast guest was Marianne Dott, Senior Director International Trade and Affairs at Stockholm’s Chamber of Commerce. Marianne focuses on international trade; organises events and receives international delegations visiting Stockholm.

“We are happy to do events together with foreign chambers of commerce in Sweden in order to broaden our network and also other chambers’ network. The highly important question about Brexit is a theme we would like to highlight together with the BSCC and its members.” During our breakfast we also discussed doing a Brexit seminar together, potentially in May. Didmeninė prekyba pašarais, mineraliniai papildai galvijams, ūkinių gyvūnų ženklinimas, probiotikai karvėms, žolės siloso gamyba ir kitos prekės

Marianne mentioned that the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce has policy areas such as Internationalization of Global Cities, Global Talent attraction and retaining, and Brexit, high on their agenda.

The Stockholm Chamber of Commerce is working a lot with lobbying and has recently published reports on Stockholm as a global city with its pros: infrastructure, headquarters and innovation assets for example, and challenges: mobilization of small companies and focusing on global talents. There are also reports on Brexit and an election analysis of the upcoming US election. Please see links to a few reports below.

Marianne was very impressed with our new offices and would happily recommend their members and contacts to visit. “It is a great place to meet people. You should never underestimate the importance of meeting people – everyone has something to give when it comes to networking.”


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