Bright Green Summit 2022

It has been a great privilege to be part of the Bright Green Summit organised in cooperation with Mundus International and AmCham Sweden – American Chamber of Commerce in Sweden. The summit has featured great insight from both private and public sector, not least from our member HSBC and the British Ambassador to Sweden.

Thank you to everyone involved for facilitating such nuanced conversations. The summit has underscored the urgency of climate action, whilst providing innovative solutions for collaboration going forward.

If you could not participate the entire day or would like to re-watch a panel discussion, you can watch the video recordings below. See the full schedule and speakers here.

Part 1 video recording

COP27: Highs and Lows – Where can we go from here?

National Perspectives on the Green Transition

Infrastructure Panel Discussion

Mobility Panel Discussion


Part 2video recording 

Keynote Speech by U.S. Ambassador Erik Ramanathan

Bright Green Scorecard Introduction

Digitalization Panel Discussion


Part 3video recording 

Consumer Goods Panel Discussion

Trade & Investment Panel Discussion

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