Beyond 2020: Business Priorities for the next decade

The focus of the BCC Annual Conference on the 5 March 2020 in London was placed on the key issues facing Britain’s community. Adam Marshall, Director General for the British Chambers of Commerce, states that the key priorities of our Chamber business communities for 2020 and beyond is to seize new opportunities and help the UK rise to new challenges. Economic performance depends on business confidence and it’s important to make sure that the UK is a good place to invest and do business. Since the Brexit referendum vote in 2016, the UK has faced an unprecedented level of political uncertainty. As a result, business confidence has declined and investment decisions have been put on hold. The BCC reports that the 1 in 2 internationally active UK businesses consider uncertainty around Brexit a barrier to export. As the UK now has left the EU, there is a need to set out the key priorities for the next decade, which will enable businesses of all sizes to reignite the UK’s stagnating economy.

The BCC’s growing global network priorities for the next decade is centred around:

  • People creating workplaces for the future
  • Meeting the infrastructure challenges of tomorrow
  • Keeping Britain open for business

> View the full report 

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