The British-Swedish Chamber of Commerce has promoted bi-lateral trade and investment between the United Kingdom and Sweden since 1954.

The British-Swedish Chamber of Commerce, BSCC, is an independent, non-profit, membership organisation with around 150 members. Our mission is to strengthen the economic, social and cultural links between the UK and Sweden by actively supporting the development of business through its network and knowledge sharing. The BSCC has been successfully active for 70 years.
We organise events throughout the year offering a platform for people to meet, where we actively work with referrals to facilitate business opportunities. We create and nurture an environment where influential contacts can be established and strengthened. We organise some 30 events throughout the year on relevant topics with captains of industry, local politicians and those visiting from the UK. As a member you will be part of that community. The BSCC is most active in Stockholm, but we also organise events in Gothenburg and Malmö.
The BSCC works closely with the Swedish and the British Embassies, the British Chambers of Commerce, BCC, and other chamber of commerce both in Sweden and internationally.