Post-Pandemic Priorities: What governments and business need to focus on as we emerge from the Covid-19 pandemic

Post-Pandemic Priorities: What governments and business need to focus on as we emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic

To watch a recording of this webinar, click here.

Bill Emmot is a writer and consultant with experience ranging from being the former Editor-In-Chief at The Economist, Chairman of the International Institute for Strategic Studies, Chairman of the Board at Trinity College, Dublin, and the Japanese Society in the UK

4 Cascading Crises

The major cascading crises, which have been exacerbated by COVID, which face us in the future are:

  1. The Health Crisis
  2. The Rise in Populism
  3. Dysfunction of the International Order
  4. Infodemic

We are still living in the pandemic world and so many forecasts now are purely speculative. What we have learnt we need to improve are:

  1. Learning from the lack of preparation (E. Asia was better prepared than the best of Europe)
  2. Managing the economic recovery (fast fiscal response but Emerging Market debt is a threat)
  3. Shaping the international response (China’s use of extraterritorial influencer equalling U.S.)
  4. Facing up to the trust and legitimacy issue (information wars and a lost trust in science)


Britain was a driving force for free trade in the EU but was also a problem for decision making in the continent. As a result of Brexit: the EU is now a little stronger but Britain has been weakened. However, the UK will remain closely tied politically to the continent.

A change in the new world order could weaken the whole of Europe in the event of U.S. – China collaboration as it would potentially require the continent to become a rule follower. The WTO and WHO could become a settler of disputes which would build stability.

In the U.S. and UK there is now a sustained pivoting in priorities towards social justice. Internationally there is less of a push in dealing with inequities between countries.

Our thanks go to Bill Emmott for hosting this event with the BSCC.

Date: 21 January 2021
Time: 10.00 – 11.00 CET
Venue: Virtual Event

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