18. Weekly Newsletter

Aberdeen’s Net Zero Port

The Port of Aberdeen, established in 1136, is investing £55m to become the UK’s first net zero port by 2040. Specifically, the port is targeting net zero emissions from the port’s operations and from vessels visiting the port. The initiative will work to promote low carbon alternative fuels through trials of vegetable oil fuels for port-owned vehicles.

The Port of Aberdeen’s CEO described the “pivotal role in the emergence of green economic growth” that the organisation can contribute to. The new deeper and larger harbour on-site was the largest marine infrastructure project in the UK and experienced £400m invested into the expansion of offshore wind farms, hydrogen power and oil rig decommissioning. The growing port now holds the capacity for larger cruise ships and is already the UK’s leading oil and gas hub.

Newspapers & The Coronation

The UK’s front page news cycle over the last seven days has covered a wide range of topics with the upcoming coronation of HM King Charles III and HM The Queen Consort dominating the headlines. The ongoing strikes continue to attract attention with a particular focus upon healthcare professionals challenging pay conditions. Additionally, the UK’s Competition and Markets Authority ruled to block the $75bn Activision Blizzard takeover by Microsoft due to the threat it posed to the country’s tech sector. Some of the newspaper front pages over the last week were:

  • The Sunday Times: Archbishop will ask millions to pledge allegiance to their King
  • The Independent: Revealed- the great Brexit clubs and pubs shutdown (hospitality hit by EU staff shortages)
  • Sunday Express: King’s Solemn Vow To Serve Us All
  • Daily Mail: M&S And Victoria Beckham Back Our Tourist Tax Fight (scrapping the tourist tax)
  • The Independent: BBC chairman quits over role in £800k ‘Cash for Boris’ loan
  • The Times: Gambling curbs to save young from addiction
  • The Daily Telegraph: ‘My place in Coronation proves King embraces diversity’
  • Financial Times: Tories to strike ‘sunset clause’ from bill to scrap EU law
  • Financial Times: Call of Duty maker Activision rails at UK for barring $75bn Microsoft deal
  • The Times: Race against time to save 4,000 trapped in Sudan (Britons in Sudan)

On Saturday 6th May the Coronation of HM The King and HM The Queen Consort will occur at Westminster Abbey with the opening precession starting at 10.20am (GMT). Their Majesties will then return to Buckingham Palace in a larger ceremonial procession which will be followed by an appearance on the Palace balcony. On Sunday a Coronation Concert will take place at Windsor Castle in front of 20,000 selected members of the public.

Gambling Legislation

On Thursday (27th April) UK ministers outlined a major shake-up of the betting industry which will introduce curbs on online platforms in a bid to reduce the negative impacts of gambling. The proposals are estimated to reduce revenues by 3-8% across the UK’s entire £10bn gambling industry- with a more impactful estimated 8-14% impact on online gambling revenues. Examples of these changes include stake limits of between £2-£4 on online casino games for young adults.

Online gambling has seen strong growth over the last five years with 26.9% of people, aged over 16, gambling every month (up from 18.5% in 2018). Additionally, online gambling participation rates for women has disproportionately accelerated over the last five years but men (particularly in the 45-54 age demographic) remain the largest audience. At present, the UK’s four biggest online operators voluntarily contribute 1% of revenues to gambling harms initiatives but current plans aim to raise this by a further £100m.

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